Girl riding a dark green ATV on a dirt trailATVs and UTVs are made for exploring off-road trails, but each is designed for different riding lifestyles. UTVS are more focused on work projects while ATVs are more focused on recreational riding. There is some crossover, of course. Utility ATVS, for example, offer features to help you with your work on your property.

If you want help figuring out which powersports vehicle is best for you, read on! We’ve created the following buyer’s guide for utility vehicles and all-terrain vehicles. When you are ready to check out models for sale, visit Cool Springs Powersports. We are located in Franklin, Tennessee, and proudly serve those in Nashville and Clarksville as well.

Is an ATV or a UTV Safer?

Four wheels are safer than two, so UTVs and ATVs are safer than other powersport vehicle options (such as a dirt bike). But utility vehicles also come with unique design features, making them safer than all-terrain vehicles.

First, UTVs offer a lower center of gravity thanks to their payloads being positioned below the top of the tires. This makes your vehicle more stable and decreases your chance of rolling over.

Second, most side by sides come with an enclosed cab. The models that don't can usually be upgraded to include one. This cab helps protects you from adverse weather conditions, such as pelting rain or unrelenting heat. It also blocks out kicked-up debris, which can be quite painful at higher speeds. If you were to crash, the frame and roll cage offer valuable protection.

How Do I Decide Between an ATV and a UTV?

Both options are designed to conquer difficult terrain and deliver a thrilling ride, but each can better fit different riding needs.

An all-terrain vehicle is a good fit if:

  • You need agility: ATVs tend to be more compact. They can more easily navigate narrow trails and tackle tight turns. They can often handle routes that a UTV cannot.
  • You want a more active ride: Riding all-terrain vehicles requires plenty of muscle engagement to stay in control! Many riders love the sporty aspect of riding these powersports vehicles.
  • You have a smaller budget. In general, ATVs will cost you less.

A utility vehicle is a good fit if:

  • You want a less physically demanding ride. Riding side by sides requires less physical exertion. You’ll sit on a comfortable seat, much like you do in your commuter vehicle. You’ll use a steering wheel to steer and sit upright, rather than straddling a seat while using your body and handlebars to stay in control. This focus on comfort is especially beneficial if you’ll be on the trail for a long period of time.
  • You want to get work done. Utility vehicles offer plenty of room to haul materials as well as impressive towing capabilities. Use them to complete a range of tasks on your property.
  • You want to bring along other riders. Many side by sides can fit as many as six people! Bring along extra sets of hands to help with work projects or friends to enjoy a ride on the trail.

We hope you found this guide helpful! When you are ready to shop models, visit Cool Springs Powersports. We offer ATVs (including utility ATVs) as well as side by sides. We can provide you with more in-depth information on the various powersports vehicles and answer any questions you have. Our friendly staff is always happy to offer recommendations based on your unique budget, riding level, and riding lifestyle. Stop by and visit today! We are located in Franklin, Tennessee, and proudly serve those in Nashville and Clarksville as well.