Motorcycle Hearing Protection

Motorcycle Hearing Protection Article from Cool Springs Powersports

After you purchase your motorcycle and you’re going through your gear checklist, don’t forget about hearing protection. By now you’re probably familiar with riding clothes and helmet options, but hearing protection isn’t always addressed and it really should be. Riding a motorcycle exposes you to noises loud enough to cause irreversible hearing damage. At Cool Springs Powersports, we want to make sure you’re fully prepared to ride and that includes having proper hearing protection. Visit us at our dealership in Franklin, Tennessee also serving those in Nashville, Clarksville, and Murfreesboro to learn more!

Why Hearing Protection is Necessary

It may seem rather insignificant, but hearing protection should be considered essential for all riders. After all, the grumble of your motorcycle engine on the road can’t be that loud. Actually, the noises you experience during your ride are not as harmless as you might think. The combination of your engine and the road noise can produce a whopping 90 decibels, and that’s only when you ride at 40 mph. Even more damaging than that is the wind noise. If you creep toward 100 mph, your ears are in for a dangerous 110 decibels of noise!

A common misconception is that a helmet is all the protection your ears need from these sounds, but that’s incorrect. As a matter of fact, the vibration you experience within your helmet while you ride contributes to the noise. In order to protect your hearing, you’re going to need more than just a helmet.

Types of Motorcycle Hearing Protection

Hearing protection goes inside the ear and blocks out some of the damaging sounds. Inner ear protection is ideal for bikers since it won’t conflict with wearing your helmet. Most hearing protection removes approximately 30 decibels, which is a good amount of pain to save your ears from.

The most common option for hearing protection is disposable earplugs. They’re not only cheap but they can often be bought in bulk. You can easily find these at most grocery stores or gas stations. Wear a pair for each ride and dispose of them when you’re done. Since this is a cheap option, it may take some time to find a good fit and even then they still might not be the most comfortable to wear

Another option to consider is wax or rubber balls. You mold them into the shape you desire and then place it in your ear. The ability to mold these to a specific shape might make it easier to get a good fit. It’s also worth noting that these can be reused for a while. After a couple of uses on warm days, though, they can start to feel greasy.

If you’re really determined to find the perfect fit, then you can consider custom-fitted earplugs. You won’t have to worry about finding the right fit because they are custom made for your ears. In addition, these offer the most noise protection since they are molded specifically for your ears. These will definitely be the most expensive, but they’ll last for years to come.

Choosing the Right Option

For the best protection, you need to focus on finding the right fit. Earplugs that are too big can stick outside of your ear and cause friction in your helmet, which will become painful over time. Earplugs that are too small won’t fit snug inside your ear. The right fit is crucial for proper hearing protection. You also don’t want to be experiencing discomfort while you ride, so this is another reason that finding the right fit is so important.

How often you’ll need earplugs also determines how much money you should spend on them. If you’ll be riding every day to work, going on long touring rides, or taking joy rides a few times a week, then it’s probably a good idea to consider investing in proper hearing protection. If you only bike on occasion, then you might feel fine going with the cheaper, disposable options.

Hearing protection is just one of the many necessities that bikers need for a safe riding experience. If you have more questions about hearing protection or you’re interested in other types gear, come on down to Cool Springs Powersports in Franklin, Tennessee! We also proudly serve Nashville, Clarksville, and Murfreesboro.