Imagine how great it'd be to access a powersports track on your own property. Ride when you wanted, not just when the public riding area was open. Hit the open trail without needing to drive anywhere. It’s a great resource for those who can’t get enough of riding powersports vehicles.

It is possible to transform your property into a space for riding powersports vehicles, but there are many moving parts to the process. We’ve created the following guide to walk you through it.  If you have questions or want to explore powersports vehicles for sale, head over to Cool Springs Powersports. Our dealership is based in Franklin, Tennessee, and we also serve those in Nashville, Spring Hill, and Columbia.

Make Sure You Can Build A Powersports Track

The first step is checking that you are able to make a powersports track...before you sink time and money into the project. Ask yourself the following questions:

  • Can you ride your powersports vehicle in your backyard and still comply with any noise restrictions to the area?

  • Do you need to get any permits before building?

  • Will your neighbors be okay with the noise and dust generated by your powersports vehicles? Can you take steps to reduce the impact on them, such as making a fence or buffer of trees?

  • Is the land safe for powersports vehicle riding, such as being free of large boulders or trees?

  • Can the area fit a track? Will there be enough space in between the lanes? How about enough space between any fences and the lanes?

Consider Who Will Use The Powersports Track

Maybe you are building the track for your child, who recently discovered a love of dirt bike riding. You want to make sure the track is well-suited for a beginner rider. Keep any obstacles new rider friendly. 

Maybe you are making the track to sharpen your advanced riding skills. The track should contain enough challenges to help you get better at riding, but stay within your ability to ride safely.

Maybe you want to let non-family members bring their powersports vehicle over, such as your friends or your child's friends. You may want to look into getting insurance coverage. If someone gets injured, you don't want to be potentially liable for their medical bills.

Plan The Layout

The next step is to plan out your track. Ride your powersports vehicle around the area, which will help you determine where to place obstacles and tracks. As you start brainstorming, you can place ropes to map out what you are thinking.

When it comes to jump planning, try to use natural features as much as possible. It's easier to use natural slopes than to craft a jump out of nowhere. Remember to keep at least 30 feet between jumps.

Finally, remember to factor in drainage. Water can easily cause erosion, which can damage your beautiful track. See if you can use natural slopes for drainage. If not, either slope the terrain yourself or add drainage pipes.

Build Your Powersports Track

Once all of your research and planning is done, you can move onto the final stage: building everything. Consider renting a small bulldozer, which will be much easier and faster than moving dirt with a shovel.

To build a jump, start by piling the dirt as close to your intended shape as possible. Pack the dirt down with the bulldozer and use the blade to smooth everything out. Aim for about one foot of height for every three feet of length.

Remember that you can always add to your powersports track later. You don't want to bite off more than you can chew, so keep your first attempt realistic. Plus, a more simple track gets finished faster, which means being able to enjoy it sooner!

We hope you found this guide useful. If you have any questions or want to explore powersports vehicles for sale, head over to Cool Springs Powersports. Our expert staff can assist you with whatever you need, so stop by and visit our dealership today! We are located in Franklin, but also serve those in Nashville, Spring Hill, and Columbia, TN.